Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 9 meses atrás

“ Jane and Cindy are very intelligent teenagers. Jane is fifteen years old and has two brothers. She__________ (go) to school in the morning and__________ (help) her parents in the afternoon. In the evening, she__________ (study) English at a school. Jane and Cindy __________(love) ice cream and barbecue; they___________(eat) an ice cream every day and on the weekend, they eat barbecue. Jane´s brother doesn’t like to____________(study) but he_________ (help) their parents too. Cindy__________(want) to open a small restaurant because they like to work with food. Jane__________ (like)science and she wants to be a doctor.”

Escreva abaixo os verbos já flexionados no SIMPLE PAST TENSE a fim de completar o texto lido.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tortadebolacha

1. goes

2. helps

3. studies

4. love

5. eat

6. study

7. helps

8. wants


Usuário anônimo: o 6 seria studies?
Usuário anônimo: ??
tortadebolacha: sim seria studies perdão o erro
Respondido por GabiihPereira2020


1. goes

2. helps

3. studies

4. love

5. eat

6. study

7. helps

8. wants



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