Inglês, perguntado por manutofiudnk, 4 meses atrás

IV- Marque a alternativa correta, em cada questão, de acordo com a regra do Present Continuous:

1. What __________ the teacher _________ on the board?
A) Does / writing; B) Are / writing; C) Do / writes; D) Is / writing;

2. We ___________ English. We are __________________ lunch now. A) Aren’t / studying; B) Don’t study / have; C) Are studying / have;

3. The students ___________ for their teachers in the class now. A) Are wait; B) Wait; C) Are waiting; D) Is waiting;

4. _________ his father __________ his house?
A) Are / painting; B) Is / painting; C) Do / painting; D) Does / painting;

5. Please don’t move. I _____________________ your photo now. A) am take; B) take; C) am taking; D) don’t take;

6. You ________________. . The classroom is very noisy.
A) are speaking; B) speaks; C) is speak; D) are speak;

7. My mother is not at home. She ________________my neighbor at the moment. A) visits; B) is visiting; C) is visit; D) visit;

8. They _________________ playing soccer. They ___________________. A) aren’t / are running; B) aren’t / are run; C) don’t / can run;

9. The weather is very cold but it ______________________ .
A) isn’t snow; B) snows; C) snowing; D) isn’t snowing;

10.The man ______________ under the tree.
A) is sit; B) sitting; C) is sitting; D) sit;

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maysamiorispal2dp


1) D

2) A

3) C

4) D

5) C

6) A

7) B

8) A

9) D

10) C

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