Isso é uma atividade que vale nota de teste,preciso da ajuda de vocês,urgente

Soluções para a tarefa
Nick has *already* drunk a cup of tea
I haven't swept the floor *yet*. It is very dirty
She has *already* seen this film
The boys have *already* broken a new vase
Have they copied the text *yet*?
I have *already* sent an SMS to my friend
Tim hasn't been at the concert *yet*
She has *already* read an interesting article
They haven't invited their neighbours *yet*
They went to the cinema
Kate met her friend
She invited her friends to the party
They finished their english test
Bill sent an e-mail to his parents
I bought a new mobile
Bob found a new article
Liz got the driver's license
We read about New York
1 for
2 since
3 for
4 since
5 for
6 since
7 for
8 for
9 since
10 since
11 for
12 since
13 for
14 for
15 since
16 for
17 since
18 for
I have never been to London
Have you ever seen the Eiffel tower?
I have never skated on the skating-rink
Sam has never been to a football match
Have you ever flown to Madrid?
We have never travelled by a plane
Liz has never booked a trip to Morocco
Has Tom ever cooked lunch?
They have never flown in the helicopter
não entendi mtt bem se é pra reescrever as perguntas ou se é pra escrever as respostas mas se vc entender me avisa que eu boto aqui