Inglês, perguntado por vandinccb93, 10 meses atrás

International Women’s Day has been celebrated every year in March since 1911. International Women’s Day is a global, or worldwide, holiday to celebrate the many accomplishments of women. It is a day to remember that all women should unite, or come together, to continue making the world a better place. The first International Women’s Day was celebrated in Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland. Over a million people held rallies. They asked the government to allow women the right to vote, work, and take part in government. Even after women gained the right to vote, International Women’s Day continued to fight issues of injustice. The day is still celebrated by remembering and honoring all those who fought for women’s equal rights. There are still many countries where women are not treated equally or fairly. This is a day to stand up for women who are unable to do so themselves.

Leia esse texto para responder as questões 01 e 02.

01 - What does it mean that International Women’s Day is celebrated globally? 

A) ( ) It is an official holiday.

B) ( ) It is celebrated every year.

C) ( ) It's celebrated around the world.

D) ( ) Nenhuma das alternativas.

02 - Where was the first International Women’s Day celebrated? 

A) ( ) Austria, Denmark, Germany and Switzerland

B) ( ) Austria, England, Brazil and France

C) ( ) Switzerland, South Korea, Mexico and Germany.

D) ( ) Nenhuma das alternativas.

(ENEM 2018) Lava Mae: Creating Showers on Wheels for the Homeless San Francisco, according to recent city numbers, has 4,300 people living on the streets. Among the many problems the homeless face is little or no access to showers. San Francisco only has about 16 to 20 shower stalls to accommodate them. But Doniece Sandoval has made it her mission to change that. The 51 -year-old former marketing executive started Lava Mae, a sort of showers on wheels, a newproject that aims to turn decommissioned city buses into shower stations for the homeless. Each bus will have two shower stations and Sandoval expects that they’ll be able to provide 2,000 showers a week. ANDREANO, C. Disponível em: http://abcnews.go. Acesso em: 26 jun, 2018 (adaptado)

Leia esse texto para responder a questão 03.

03 - A relação dos vocábulos shower, bus e homeless, no texto, refere-se a :

A) ( ) empregar moradores de rua em lava a jatos para ônibus.

B) ( ) comissionar sem-teto para dirigir os ônibus da cidade.

C) ( ) exigir das autoridades que os ônibus municipais tenham banheiros.

D) ( ) criar acesso a banhos gratuitos para moradores de rua.

04 - Qual dessas frases contém um verbo no tempo passado: 

A) ( ) The 51 -year-old former marketing executive started Lava Mae.

B) ( ) Each bus will have two shower stations.

C) ( ) A project that aims to turn city buses into shower stations.

D) ( ) Nenhuma das alternativas.

05 - ______________ feature lots of monsters such as Frankenstein, or Dracula. The object of ______________ is to make you scream and be afraid, very afraid! 

A) ( ) Action films

B) ( ) Horror films

C) ( ) Adventure films

D) ( ) Comedy

06 - _______________ are made to melt our hearts with stories of people finding each other and falling in love. 

A) ( ) Adventure films

B) ( ) Documentary

C) ( ) Romance

D) ( ) Thriller

07 - ________________ are often sad stories about difficult situations in life such as fighting cancer or difficult love stories. 

A) ( ) Romance

B) ( ) Sci-fi movies

C) ( ) Drama

D) ( ) Westerns

08 - Leia este trecho sobre o filme “Mortal Kombat” (2021) do crítico Ben Kenigsberg do jornal The New York Times: “But with so many characters, the movie spends too much time on discovery and not enough on showing those powers in action. Personally, I wanted more payoff from Sonya Blade (…) Test … your patience.” Este trecho se refere a qual parte de uma crítica de filme: 

A) ( ) O nome do filme, do diretor e das estrelas.

B) ( ) Quando e onde o filme foi ambientado.

C) ( ) Onde o filme foi filmado.

Se o crítico achou o filme bom ou não.

09 - Assinale a opção em que há uma fala de alguém concordando com a opinião de outra. 

A) ( ) You are absolutely right to say that the people must be involved in the decision-making processes.

B) ( ) I completely disagree with your interpretation of the recent crisis.

C) ( ) Mr Casini was of a different opinion.

D) ( ) I don’t agree with you.

10 - Assinale a alternativa em que há uma fala de alguém discordando da opinião de outra pessoa. 

A) ( ) You're right, we're our own main opponents right now.

B) ( ) In fact, we totally disagree with resorting to war to resolve the problems of terrorism.

C) ( ) I agree with you that this also has to be done in the future.

D) ( ) Nenhuma das alternativas.

Por favor!!

Quem é bom em inglês, responde todas perguntas de Inglês por favor!!

O mais rápido possível!!

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofiahnuc


1- c

2- a

3- d, mas eu fiquei bem em dúvida nessa

4- a

5- b

6- c

7- c

8- a

9- a

10- b



vandinccb93: Obrigado
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