Insert the apostrophe in the correct places in the following sentences
1 - Mr Smiths car is outside
2 - I Do All My Shopping in Macys
3 - She Buys Her Clothes in Lord and Taylors
4 - The Mens Room is Just Dowm The Hall
5 - They Sell Ladies Dresses on This Floor
6 - The Childs Toys Are All Broken
7 - They Sell Childrens Toys In This Store.
8 - There Is A Lot of Competition Between Macys and Gimbels
9 - He Goes To The Doctors Once a Week
10 - Dr. Smith Secretary Is A Mexican
11 - Lincolns Birthday is February 12
12 - Mrs Jones Chauffeur Drives Very Well
Se Possivel explicar a logica, gostaria muito de entender.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
Bom, o apóstrofo é esse ' que acrescentamos ao abreviar uma palavra em inglês, como por exemplo: I am = I'm mas também pode ser usado para dar posse a alguém ou algo, como Dad's car (Carro do Papai)
Respondendo a questão:
1. Mr Smith's car is outside.
2. I do all my shopping in Marcy's. (Essa me confundiu um pouco)
3. She's buys her clothes in lord and Taylors.
4. The Men's room is just down the hall.
5. They's sell ladies dresses on this floor.
6. The child's toys are all broken.
7. They sell children's toys in this store.
8. There is a lot of competition between macy's and gimbels.
9. He goes to the doctor's once a week.
10. Dr. Smith's secretary is a mexican.
11. Lincoln's birthday is february 12.
12. Mrs Jones's chauffeur drives very well.
Espero ter ajudado, lembrando que não sou expert em Inglês então posso ter errado algo, mas tenho certeza que algumas estão de fato corretas.
Respondendo a questão:
1. Mr Smith's car is outside.
2. I do all my shopping in Marcy's. (Essa me confundiu um pouco)
3. She's buys her clothes in lord and Taylors.
4. The Men's room is just down the hall.
5. They's sell ladies dresses on this floor.
6. The child's toys are all broken.
7. They sell children's toys in this store.
8. There is a lot of competition between macy's and gimbels.
9. He goes to the doctor's once a week.
10. Dr. Smith's secretary is a mexican.
11. Lincoln's birthday is february 12.
12. Mrs Jones's chauffeur drives very well.
Espero ter ajudado, lembrando que não sou expert em Inglês então posso ter errado algo, mas tenho certeza que algumas estão de fato corretas.
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