Inglês, perguntado por bezerrayasmyn5, 8 meses atrás

por favor.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

4. .a. are / were

b. is

c. are

d. was / is

e. were / weren't / is

f. was

g. are / was

h. am

5. a. there were

b. there are

c. there is

d. there was

e. there are

f. there was

g. there were

h. there are

6. a. I was at home at this time last week.

b. Yes, I was at home yesterday afternoon.

c. I didn't have a best school friend last year.

d. It was very warm and sunny yesterday.

e. Yes, I was absent from school yesterday.

f. My first class at Tuesday started at 7.15 am.

g. My last birthday party was at least fifteen years ago.

bezerrayasmyn5: obg
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