Inglês, perguntado por FormiguinhaBrava, 9 meses atrás


1)Use o modal Can ou Can't mais os verbos em destaque


A)Mom _____ I _____ To My Friend's louse ltis aftermom?

B)My mother _____ _____ very well.She is a plef.

C)Carol,you _____ _____ a candy now!Jt's lunck timu.

D)He _____ _____ TV,when ge finedtes his home work.

E)They ______ ______ to tge teacher,because the students are very noisy.

F)You _____ _____ your books now the class is Jinehing.

G)"______ your litthe brother ______?" "No he can't.Heis only the years old".

H) Procura-se um namorado kksksksks brinks genteeee ❤‍♀️​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Angrox


a) Mom can I go to my friend's house this afternoon?

b) My mother can cook very well. She is a chef.

c) Carol, you can't eat a candy now! It's lunch time.

d) He can watch TV when he finishes his homework.

e) They can't listen to the teacher, because the students are noisy.

f) You can close your books, the class is finish.

g) Can your little brother swim? No, he can't. He's only ten years old.

FormiguinhaBrava: Ataa menos mal kksks
Angrox: You can close your book now, the class is finish.
Angrox: essa F
FormiguinhaBrava: Oook
Angrox: Na letra E troca o o verbo para "swim"
Angrox: Eu repeti o go
FormiguinhaBrava: gostei de vc,podemos ser amigas?
FormiguinhaBrava: :)
Angrox: Claro :D
FormiguinhaBrava: Irei passar meu whats aq,me chama lá,9.96304714
Respondido por isabelapinheiro78
(A) Can,Go
(B) Can't, Cook
(C) Can't, Eat
(D) Can, Watch
(F) Can, Close
(G) Can, Listen
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