Inglês, perguntado por SrtJack, 6 meses atrás

❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
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2 • Yeah, but barking dogs seldom bite. He'll get over it.b.
I'm sorry that my gift ________ (arrive) on time, but better late than never, right? *

( ) •hasn't arrived
( ) •has not arrive
( ) •have arrived


3 • He borrowed my car for a day, but ______(return) even after four days.
Well, give them an inch and they’ll take a mile.

( ) •return
( ) •have return
( ) •hasn’t returned


4 • Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.Don’t act badly toward the person who _______ you or from whom you derive some benefits, for you may lose those benefits in future. *

( ) •has helped
( ) •hasn’t helped
( ) •have helped
( ) •have help


5 • You _______ money and want to pick out your dream car. You shouldn't put the cart before the horse. *

( ) •hasn’t saved
( ) •not has saved
( ) •haven't saved
( ) •have saved not


6 • When someone _______ (do) something bad to you, trying to get revenge will only make things worse. *

( ) •done
( ) •has done
( ) •has
( ) •do

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por drugglisept


2- •hasn't arrived•

3- •hasn't returned•

4- •has helped•

5- •haven't saved•

6- •has done•

SrtJack: Muchas Gracias ^^
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