Inglês, perguntado por luccascouto123, 8 meses atrás


Present tense

Past tense



To claim


To have

To drink

To be​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rcezare


Infinitive :


To be

To have

To drink

To claim

Simple  Present Tense

Verbo Can

I / You / We / They / He / She / It: can

Verbo To be

I: am

He / She / It: is

You / We / They: are

Verbo To have

I / You / We / They: have

He / She / It: has

Verbo To claim

I / You / We / They: claim

He / She / It: claims

Verbo To drink

I / You / We / They: drink

He / She / It: drink s

Simple Past Tense

 Verbo Can

I / You / We / They / He / She / It: could

Verbo To be

I / He / She / It: was

You / We / They: were

Verbo To have

I / He / She / It / You / We / They: had

Verbo To claim

I / He / She / It / You / We / They: claimed

Verbo To drink

I / He / She / It / You / We / They: drank

Participle s

Verbo Can

Present Participle: canning

Past Participle: canned

Verbo To be

Present Participle: being

Past Participle: been

Verbo To have

Present Participle: having being

Past Participle: had

Verbo To claim

Present Participle: claiming

Past Participle: claimed

Verbo To drink

Present Participle: drinking

Past Participle: drunk


​ Can: poder (no sentido de ter capacidade de fazer)

To be: ser / estar continuar ficar permanecer

To have : ter / possuir obter comer receber haver querer

To drink : beber tomar

To claim: exigir reclamar afirmar reivindicar invocar clamar postular alegar


Simple Present Tense

O Simple Present Tense, também chamado de Present Simple (presente simples), é um dos tempos verbais do inglês.

O Simple Present é um tempo verbal utilizado para indicar ações habituais que ocorrem no presente.

Além disso, ele é usado para expressar verdades universais, sentimentos, desejos, opiniões e preferências.

Em frases afirmativas, a forma do presente simples é: Sujeito + present do verbo + complemento.

Exemplos de frases no Simple Present:

He plays soccer very well. (Ele joga futebol muito bem.)

She loves chocolate. (Ela ama chocolate.)

They go to school in the afternoon. (Eles vão para a escola de tarde.)

I always read the newspaper in the morning. (Eu sempre leio o jornal de manhã.)

We generally travel to Brazil in December. (Geralmente nós viajamos para o Brasil em dezembro.)

Simple Past Tense

O passado simples dos verbos regulares é marcado pelo sufixo “ed”.

Em frases afirmativas, a forma do passado simples é: Sujeito + passado do verbo + complemento.

She broke her leg. (Ela quebrou sua perna).

He studied a lot yesterday. (Ele estudou bastante ontem).

The dog barked a lot last night. (O cão latiu bastante na noite passada).

They woke up late this morning. (Eles acordaram atrasados esta manhã).

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