Inglês, perguntado por princesajujuba21, 11 meses atrás

Indique quais frases estão certas e quais estão erradas, e corrija-as.

1. My brother wishes he has a car because he hates taking bus.

2. The floor is wet here, so watch your step.

3. Thank you very a lot for helping me yesterday.

4. That's the gate you have to go under to get to your plane.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rhanyacruzotvqz1
1. My brother wishes he had a car because he hates taking the bus.
2. Certa.
3. Thank you very much for helping me yesterday.
4. Certa.
Respondido por marcelarubiasilva089

My brother wishes he had a car because he hates taking the bus.


Thank you very much for helping me yesterday.


*essa é a resposta

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