In relation to the study of the "Countable and
Uncountable Nouns” text in English, it is incorrect to
state that:
A( ) In inglish, the word food is usually classified as
na uncountable noun;
B( ) In inglish, the word clothes does not take a
singular form and, therefore, it can be replaced by
outfit to geta round this impossibility;
C( ) In inglish, the word noun is classified as na
uncountable noun;
D( ) The word paper is, as a rule, classified as na
uncountable noun, but it can be classified as
E( ) The impossibility of using a plural noun can
signal that it is na uncountable noun.
Soluções para a tarefa
⇒⇒ Countable and uncountable nouns
A ( ) In English, the word food is usually classified as an uncountable noun; ✅
B ( ) In English, the word clothes does not take a singular form and, therefore, it can be replaced by outfit to get around this impossibility; ✅
C (x) In English, the word noun is classified as an uncountable noun; ❌
D ( ) The word paper is, as a rule, classified as an uncountable noun, but it can be classified as countable; ✅
E ( ) The impossibility of using a plural noun can signal that it is an uncountable noun. ✅
Alternativa incorreta letra ''C''
Justificativa: A palavra ''noun'' que significa ''substantivo'' é uma ''countable noun''. ou seja, tem a forma plural >> nouns
⇒⇒ Countable nouns / substantivos contáveis >> possuem as formas singular e plural
one girl >>> two girls
a pencil >>> some pencils
⇒⇒ Uncountable nouns / substantivos incontáveis >> só podem ser usados na forma singular. O que define a quantidade é uma palavra que expressa a medida.
money >> pouco dinheiro
milk >> uma xícara de leite
farinha de trigo >> um quilo / uma colher de farinha de trigo
açúcar >> um quilo / duas xícaras
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