Inglês, perguntado por drumvinicius64, 7 meses atrás

Im' on vacation, in Brazil, with my family. We _______________(to have) a good time. Brazil is a beautiful country. The weather is hot and sunny.
Now we __________________(to have) a spare time in the hotel. There are a lot of things to do here. Today I ________________ (to write) postcards and letters to my friends. My mother _________________ (to swim) and my brother and his friends ___________________(to play) volleyball.
My father ______________ (to run) and my sister is listening to the music. When i arrive I'II tell you all the news! ​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lalaland258


to have- have

to have- have

to write- write

to swim- swims

to play- are playing

to run-  is runing

drumvinicius64: muito obrigado
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