Inglês, perguntado por activeatcjsks, 6 meses atrás

ike many teenagers (and adults), you probably don't eat
enough fruit, but you can learn to enjoy it. Try this Tropical Fruit
Salad. It's a delicious way to eat fruit.
Take about half a pineapple, two mangoes and three or four
bananas, and cut them into cubes. Put the fruit in a large bowl.
Then, squeeze one lemon and two oranges. Mix the lemon and
orange juice with one tablespoon of sugar. After that, gently
combine the juice with the fruit. Next, cut some fresh mint
leaves very finely
. Combine the mint with the fruit salad. Finally,
distribute about four tablespoons of toasted coconut on top. This fruit
salad is large enough for six people, so you can have it with your
. One hint the lemon juice may discolor the mint, so add the
mint just before serving.

B) Qual o assunto principal do texto?​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por wilsontanus231


o assunto principal do texto é sobre frutas e apreciar as frutas


espero ter ajudado

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