Inglês, perguntado por umaqualquer348, 3 meses atrás

II) PASSA AS FRASES ABAIXO PARA AS FORMAS NEGATIVA E INTERROGATIVA: 1. They have three friends. N: They have not three friends. I: Have they three friends? 2. He has a new coat. _____________________________________________________________ 3. You have a many toys. _____________________________________________________________ 4. I have something to you. _____________________________________________________________ 5. We have two boats. _____________________________________________________________ 6. She has four horses. _____________________________________________________________ 7. You had a new flat.

(por favor me ajudemmmmm, preciso entregar hoje!!)​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por orixmauro30


2. Has he a new coat?

3. Have you many toys?

4. Have i something to you?

5. Have we two boats?

6. Has she four horses?

7. Had you a new flat?

Explicação: na interrogativa o verbo vai para frente do pronome pessoal e coloca-se o sinal "?"

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