I will work in a big city and I will be rich. I will have a happy life and I will have a beautiful
my wife will have six children. My children will love me and I will love my children. I
won't have serious problems. I will work from Monday to Saturday - on Sundays I won't
work. My wife will help me and I will help my wife. We will be more than husband and wife:
we will be best friends. I will have a great job and I will love my job. My family will be a very
special family and we will love each other. In our family, there will be peace, love, faith,
dedication, respect and sincerity. This is my dream.
- Allan Jones
1) Retire do texto quatro palavras transparentes e traduza cada uma delas:
2) Onde Allan Jones irá trabalhar?
3) Retire do texto três dias da semana e traduza cada um deles?
4) Você acha que o sonho de Allan Jones é possível? Justifique:
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1) city (cidade), job (trabalho, trampo), dream (sonho), problems (problemas).
2) em uma grande cidade.
3) monday (segunda-feira), saturday (sábado), sundays (domingos).
4) sim, eu acho que trabalhando ele consiga.
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