Inglês, perguntado por Nozel, 11 meses atrás

"I wanted to challenge myself by keeping temptations nearby"
"I felt more focused"
"...because I wasn't thinking about checking my Facebook every five minutes."
"I forgot that I had to be distraction free"

5a)Which of these statements describe complete, finished actions in the Past?

5b) Which ones describe on action in the past that was in progress?

ajuda ae man ✊​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por bbecauchihachan


espero ter ajudado <3



"Eu queria me desafiar, mantendo as tentações por perto"

"Eu me senti mais focado"

"... porque eu não estava pensando em verificar meu Facebook a cada cinco minutos."

"Eu esqueci que eu tinha que estar livre de distrações"

5a) Qual dessas afirmações descreve ações completas e acabadas no passado?

5b) Quais descrevem sobre ação no passado que estava em andamento?

Finished actions in the past

I wanted to challenge myself by keeping temptations nearby.

I felt more focused

I forgot that I had to be distraction free

An action in the past that was in progress

because I was texting my friends and checking my email.

because I wasn't thinking about checking my Facebook every five minutes

bons estudos!!

Nozel: ow mas, quais frases responde a questão 5a)? e quais responde a 5b)?
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