Inglês, perguntado por BSiilvaah15, 5 meses atrás

I- Troque os nomes sublinhados pelos Pronomes Pessoais corretos.
a) *John and  I* are brothers.            are brothers.
b) *John and Jack* love *pizza* .           love         .
c) Are *the books* interesting?  Are         interesting?
d) *My father* is not an engineer.              is not an engineer.
e) *Your sister and you* are studying with *Mary* .  
                    are studying with           .
f)  I  love *Paul* .   I  love         .
g) *Mary* loves *John* .          loves             .
h) *Aids* is a disease.          is a disease.                                                 
i) *My nephew* is a 33 year old business man.              is a 33 year old business man.


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Subject pronouns

a) *John and  I* are brothers.   ⇔   We     are brothers.

b) *John and Jack* love *pizza* .    ⇔     They        love   pizza      .

c) Are *the books* interesting?    ⇔    Are  they       interesting?

d) *My father* is not an engineer.    ⇔      He          is not an engineer.

e) *Your sister and you* are studying with *Mary*.     ⇔     You  are studying with   her.

f)  I  love *Paul* .     ⇔    I  love him.

g) *Mary* loves *John* .   ⇔    She  loves him.

h) *Aids* is a disease.     ⇔    It is a disease.                                                  

i) *My nephew* is a 33 year old business man.    ⇔     He  is a 33 year old business man.

⇒⇒  Subject pronouns - (em português >> pronome pessoal do caso reto) >> substituem os substantivos e as frases nominais. São usados antes do verbo e desempenham o papel de ''sujeito'' da oração. Seu uso evita a repetição de palavras num texto.

Jimmy is a nice boy. Jimmy plays soccer after school.

Jimmy is a nice boy. HE plays soccer after school.

Jimmy >>> substituído por HE

My mother likes cooking. My mother cooks every day.

My mother likes cooking. She cooks every day.

my mother >>> substituído por SHE

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