Inglês, perguntado por ferrazsilva, 6 meses atrás

I. Supply the form of the verb in parentheses to make future conditions. (Use Will) 0,6
1. If you study, you _______________________________ your exam. (pass)
2. If I finish my work in time, I _____________________________ to the ball game. (go)
3. If I have time tomorrow I ________________________________ shopping with you. (go)
4. If he works hard, he _________________ naturally _____________________. (Succeed)
5. If she arrives on time I _____________________________________with her. (speak)
6. If he has enough money, he _________________________________ to California. (fly)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por FisicooTurista


1 will pas

2 will go

3will go

4if he works hard he WILL naturally SUCCED

5 will speak

6 will fly


ferrazsilva: Não precisa mudar o verbo ??
FisicooTurista: Will no futuro e no presente é Will ainda bb...
FisicooTurista: Go no presente é só go. Pra colocar no future é "will-go" nenhum verbo muda, vc so adiciona will ou " Is/are going to " mas a questao claramente pede pra usar WILL
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