Inglês, perguntado por ailtonbelo066, 8 meses atrás

I Read the text from the Reading section again and match the two columns. Write the answers in your notebook.

a. Brazil's most famous art movement .

b. The most recent census

c. Considered the most important museum in Brazil.

d. The most high-profile exhibition of ART.

e. In the deepest terms of its uniqueness.

• 2010
• anthropofagia.
• Almost everything This country has done.
• Tarsila do Amaral:inventing Modern art in Brazil.

alguém ajuda aí por favor,so relacionar aí.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por maiaanne52

Resposta:para mim e (a)


Respondido por at5221191

Resposta:(a) e

(B) c

(C) b




mariaalicea770: ñ entendi nada dessa resposta
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