Inglês, perguntado por naoseiy, 2 meses atrás

I) Passe as frases abaixo para as formas interrogativa e negativa.
1) Bob was a good students.
I - ________________________________________________________ ?
N - ________________________________________________________
2) The dog was in the kitchen.
I - _________________________________________________________ ?
N - _________________________________________________________
3) Charles and Rose were my neighbors last year.
I - _________________________________________________________ ?
N - _________________________________________________________
4) The boys were worried at you.
I - __________________________________________________________ ?
N - __________________________________________________________
5) I was hungry after class.
I - ___________________________________________________________ ?
N - ___________________________________________________________
6) John and I were school friends.
I - ____________________________________________________________ ?
N - ___________________________________________________________​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por analchaves37


1) I- Was bob a good students?

 N- Bob wasn`t a good students.

2)I- Was the dog in the kitchen?

 N- The dog wasn`t in the kichen.

3)I- Where Charles and Rose my neighbors last year?

 N- Charles and Rose wheren`t my neighbors last year.

4)I- Were the boys worried at you?

 N- The boys weren`t worried at you.

5)I- Was i hungry after class?

 N- I wasn`t hungry after class.

6)I- Were john and i school friends?

 N- John and i weren`t school friends.

Dica: prestar atenção nos pontos finais e pontos de interrogação

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