Inglês, perguntado por fariastami, 8 meses atrás

“I ___  long hours, I ___ much sleep and I ___ sick all the time. I realized I ___ a big mistake, because our health is very important. Now I try to balance work and life a little more to live better and longer.”
Assinale a alternativa que completa o texto corretamente quanto ao uso dos verbos no passado:


was working, not was geting, was being, was making.


was workeing, was not getting, was being, was makeing.


was working, wasn’t getting, was, was making.


working, was not getting, being, making.


was workeing, wasn’t geting, was, was makeing.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por nicolashaag


C) was working, wasn’t getting, was, was making.


DriKBxxxKDA: correto
Respondido por mariaclararaimundodo

Resposta: Alternativa C

Explicação: “I was working  long hours, I wasn't getting much sleep and I was sick all the time. I realized I was making a big mistake, because our health is very important. Now I try to balance work and life a little more to live better and longer.”


"Eu trabalhava longas horas, não dormia muito e estava doente o tempo todo. Percebi que estava cometendo um grande erro, porque nossa saúde é muito importante. Agora, tento equilibrar trabalho e vida um pouco mais para viver melhor e por mais tempo. ”

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