Inglês, perguntado por loisanatividad, 5 meses atrás

I. Identify the animals describe below. Choose your answer from the box below. Do this on your answer
1. Their Bodies are covered with feathers. They have wings and two legs for running.
2. Their unique characteristic is the presence of the mammary glands. They bring forth their young
alive. They feed their young with their milk from the mammary glands. Their bodies are covered with hair
and fur.
3. They live in water, their bodies are usually covered with scales. They are able to breath in water
because they have gills. They used their fins to be able to swim in water.
4. Animals that live their life both in water and land. They have smooth, moist and scale less skin.
5. They are terrestrial animals. They have dry scaly skin.
II. Complete the sentences. Write your answer in your notebook.
1.Coral reefs are endangered by
c. pollution
Climate change​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Identify the animals

1. Their Bodies are covered with feathers. They have wings and two legs for running.  >>  Birds

2. Their unique characteristic is the presence of the mammary glands. They bring forth their young  alive. They feed their young with their milk from the mammary glands. Their bodies are covered with hair and fur. >> Mammals

3. They live in water, their bodies are usually covered with scales. They are able to breath in water because they have gills. They used their fins to be able to swim in water. >> Fish

4. Animals that live their life both in water and land. They have smooth, moist and scale less skin. >>  Amphibians

5. They are terrestrial animals. They have dry scaly skin. >>  Reptiles

1.  Coral reefs are endangered by  climate change​

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