Inglês, perguntado por rittercarlos26, 1 ano atrás

I'am an English teacher and I Have a big family,so I have a very busy daily routine!First, I get up every day at six o'clock,get washed and dressed,and leave far work by seven-thirty.I get to school at eight o'clock.I prepare my lessons and then teach until noon. The others teachers and I always eat lunch and talk together in the teachers'room. I teach again in the afternoom and the I correct my estudenys "homework and tests. After I get back home. I help my kids with their homework. I have three kids in elementary school. Their names are Mathew,Jon and Suzie. Then,I do some exercise eat dinner with my family and match tv before I go to bed at about tem o'clock. We love to watch travel shows. Finally I read in bed for a few minutes before I fall sllep: passe pra 3°pessoa do singular​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Majuroncattos


She is an English teacher and has a big family, so she has a very busy daily routine! First, she gets up every day at six o'clock, gets washed and dressed and leaves for work by seven-thirty. She gets to school at eight o'clock. She prepares her lessons and then teaches until noon. The others teachers and she always eat lunch and talk together in the teachers' room. She teaches again in the afternoom and the corrects her students "homework and tests. After she gets back home. She helps her kids with their homework. She has three kids in elementary school. Their names are Mathew,Jon and Suzie. Then, she does some exercises, eats dinner with her family and match tv before she goes to bed at about ten o'clock. They love to watch travel shows. Finally, she reads in bed for a few minutes before she falls sleep.


Respondido por Alexv11

Segue abaixo o texto na língua inglesa na terceira pessoa do singular:

  • She is an English teacher and has a big family, so she has a very busy daily routine! First, she gets up every day at six o'clock, gets washed and dressed and leaves for work by seven-thirty. She gets to school at eight o'clock. She prepares her lessons and then teaches until noon. The other teachers and she always eat lunch and talk together in the teachers' room. She teaches again in the afternoon and the corrects her students' homework and tests.

  • After she gets back home. She helps her kids with their homework. She has three kids in elementary school. Their names are Mathew, Jon and Suzie. Then, she does some exercises, eats dinner with her family and match tv before she goes to bed at about ten o'clock. They love to watch travel shows. Finally, she reads in bed for a few minutes before she falls asleep.


Para que possamos mudar um texto completo para a terceira pessoa do singular, primeiramente precisamos entender o que isso significa. A terceira pessoa do singular nada mais é do que os pronomes HE, SHE e IT. Tenha em mente que he implica ELE, she implica ELA e it é utilizado para uma série de coisas.

Com isso dito, é possível afirmar que no presente simples podemos inferir que a terceira pessoa do singular irá alterar o verbo da frase nas frases afirmativas. Normalmente o verbo que estiver nessas condições estará com o "S" ao final desse.

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