Inglês, perguntado por julia12006, 9 meses atrás

how we have been protected by democracy?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Pamellamayla

Resposta:This scientific article aims to expose six promises that, according to the author under analysis, were not fulfilled by the current democracy project. Nevertheless, this work is concerned with presenting the first chapter of Norberto Bobbio's work, The Future of Democracy. Aiming, within the strands of Constitutional Law together with Political Science, to approach the relevance of the empirical questioning if there is an ideal democracy in Brazil. Realizing an understanding of the subject is, above all, crucial for the improvement of citizenship in Brazil, as well as understanding the reasons why we are going through turbulent political-social moments. In the hope of jeopardizing a critical analysis on the subject, we present Norberto Bobbio and his vision of the future of democracy, presenting for this his theory, conceptual and conveniently suited to the situation of the Country Brazil, the Democratic State of Law constituted by the Federative Republic of Brazil, with a green and yellow flag, but also a blue and white one.


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