Inglês, perguntado por antoniomarcos090507, 2 meses atrás

How to Save Water: The California Way
“I work in the landscape construction business and I have never been (_________________) because we specialize in the installation of drip irrigation for plants and grass. Many are fearful that food prices will sky rocket, so we have been busy installing vegetable gardens. We have figured out how to create a backyard vegetable garden that can recycle and reuse the same water over and over, resulting in water savings of over 90 percent. People are letting their lawns die, or removing their lawns altogether. We must no longer take water for granted.”

2º) A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna no texto é: *
A) Busier.
B) Busy.
C) Busiest.
D) More busy.
E) Most busy.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por tseverooo


“I work in the landscape construction business and I have never been  BUSIER because we specialize in the installation of drip irrigation for plants and grass."

a) busier

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