Inglês, perguntado por yagomonteiroc, 5 meses atrás

How to Be a Better Friend
Practice Acceptance
Friends aren’t perfect. Sometimes they will disappoint you. Sometimes they will neglect you. But sometimes being a good friend means giving your friend a pass and accepting their flaws. In couples therapy, romantic partners are often reminded of the value of acceptance, and the same theory can apply to friendships. For many of us, acceptance feels like the safest way to navigate the negatives of a friendship.
The main idea behind acceptance therapy is that accepting another person's traits and behaviors often leads to compassion. When romantic partners or friends learn to use compassion in dealing with each other, they tend to become more willing to let go of conflict. The goal of acceptance therapy is that rather than forcing change, partners should start by accepting each other’s differences. This kind of understanding often leads to uncoerced changes that are more lasting and more in tune with each person’s core personality and behaviors. When a person feels accepted and understood by someone they care about, they are more likely to change willingly, often making more changes than requested. Even if no change occurs, acceptance and compassion are likely to bring friends closer.
Flaw: defeito, falha.
Trait: característica, traço.
Behavior: comportamento.
Dealing: lidar.
Willing: querer, com vontade de.
Rather than: no lugar de.
Swath: faixa, fita.
Uncoerced: voluntário, não coagido, livre.

Based on the text above, choose the correct alternative: *

1 ponto

a) The text is about how to make friends.

b) The text is about how to be accepted by friends.

c) The text is about how to have a better romantic relationship.

d) The text is about how to be a better friend by accepeting.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sofiamourao145

d) The text is about how to be a better friend by accepting.

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