Here are some simple definitions for words that appear in the text. Find the words they refer to and fill in the gaps. 1. o_ _(adjective): strange or unusual 2. h_ _ _ (noun): a space in the surface of the ground. 3. r_ _ I_ _ _ (noun): the way things really are, not what you imagine or think they could be. 4. If there is l_ _ _c (noun) in an idea, an explanation or a situation, it is possible to understand it because it seems reasonable. 5. Someone who has a bad _ _ _p_r (noun) easily becomes angry. 6. _ _q_ e_(noun): a book, play, film, etc, that continues the story of an earlier one 7. c_ _ _ _ _ _er (noun): a person (or sometimes an animal) in a book, film, etc 8. If you_e_ _e something (or someone) _ _h_nd (phrasal verb), you don’t take it with you when you go somewhere, possibly because you forget. 9._ _z_ _ _e (adjective): very strange or unusual 10.a_us_ _ _(adjective): funny. 11.p_ _ _d_ _ _ _(noun): a name that someone uses that it not their real name, especially for writing a book 12._ro_ _ _t(noun): a game played on grass in wich players hit balls trough curved pieces of metal called hoops using long wooden hammers 13.p_ _y_ _ _ _ _rd (noun): one of a set of small rectangular pieces of stiff paper used in games. (For many games there are 52 of these pieces of paper in a set, and they are divided into four groups: Clubs, Diamonds, Hearts and Spades.) 14.c_ _ _ _ol_f_ (phrase): to start being alive 15._ _ _I_t (noun): a long wooden hammer used to hit balls in the game of croquet
meu querido não tem nem uma palavra pra adicionar ? por que nao da pra descobrir thanks
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1. Odd
2. Hall
3. Reality
4. Logic
5. Temper
6. Sequel
7. Character
8. Leave / Unhand
9. Bizarre
10. Amusing
11. Pseudonym
12. Croquet
13. Playingcard
14. ComeToLife
15. Mallet
Demorei demais pra conseguir esses resultados e foi difícil, espero realmente que tenha ajudado :')
2. Hall
3. Reality
4. Logic
5. Temper
6. Sequel
7. Character
8. Leave / Unhand
9. Bizarre
10. Amusing
11. Pseudonym
12. Croquet
13. Playingcard
14. ComeToLife
15. Mallet
Demorei demais pra conseguir esses resultados e foi difícil, espero realmente que tenha ajudado :')
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