Inglês, perguntado por heloisagracia233, 2 meses atrás



Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por gabrielaaaromao


2- We were eating..

3- Were you talking on the phone a few minutes ago? B: No, I wasn’t

4- I was walking..

5- My classmate and I was studying..

6- While he was cleaning the house, we were cooking

7- What were you doing at one o’clock? B: I was sleeping

8- The car engine was working

9- Were you listening to the teacher? B: Yes, I was

10- At seven o’clock , Mr. Smith was robbing..

11- Steven was doing..

12- it was raining..

13- Anne was studying...

14- I was working as a teacher...

15- We were swimming while you were playing..


Were é usado para o plural, ou seja, quando se refere a mais de uma pessoa

They were - Eles estavam

We were - Nós estavamos

You were - Vocês estavam

Já o was é usado quando nós referimos a uma pessoa/objeto só

I was - Eu estava

He was - Ele estava

She was - Ela estava

It was - Estava

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