The invention of television has had a largely negative impact on society. Although television is a medium that is ideally suited for educational purposes, it has failed to fulfill that mission. Television watching replaces healthy social interaction in the home, discourages healthy physical activity and promotes poor eating habits.
Television is a perfect medium for education, but few television networks devote much time to educational programming. For every nature program or culture event, there are hundreds of shows that are anything but educational, where bad taste, sex and violence seen to be the rule.
Television has also eroded the time available to devote to social exchange at home. Taking up more and more of people’s time it has discouraged individuals from reading. With commercials and programming more likely to stun rather than stimulate, television has also discouraged the exchange of ideas in conversation.
Television promotes some very unhealthy behavior. It does not involve the viewer because it cannot: it is a one-way system. It needs the audience to be passive and uninvolved, but receptive. The companies that own this service view it has a marketing toll, so that is what it has become. These companies need their audience to be idle. They want them to sit still for long hours and steadily consume the processed foods advertised on television.
Instead of improving society, television has had the opposite effect. Most opportunities to educate people are passed over for the chance to shock or offend. The time of reading, conversing, and taking meals together as a family has been usurped in many homes by television viewing. Television has done little or nothing to advance the education, health or welfare of people in our society today.
(from Essay Writing Students, Alexandre L. Terego, Thomson Peterson’s, 2005)
1) Retire do texto 12 palavras cognatas: Isto é palavras que são semelhantes ou iguais ao português
2) Segundo o texto marque verdadeiro ou falso:
( ) Television is a medium that is ideally suited for educational purposes.
( ) Television watching replaces unhealthy social interaction in the home.
( ) The invention of television has had a small negative impact on society.
( ) They want them to sit still for long hours and steadily consume the processed foods.
( ) It needs the audience to be passive and involved, but receptive.
( ) Television has done much or nothing to advance the education,
( ) Television has also eroded the time available to devote to social exchange at home
( ) These companies need their audience to be idle.
3) Segundo o texto marque a única opção que não é negativa referente a televisão.
1. Television watching replaces healthy social interaction in the home.
2. It discourages healthy physical activity.
3. Television is a perfect medium for education.
4. It has also discouraged the exchange of ideas in conversation.
5. Instead of improving society, television has the opposite effect.
6. It promotes poor eating habits
7. Taking up more and more of people’s time, it has discouraged individuals from reading.
8. Few television networks devote much time to educational programming.
4)Escolha a palavra certa para completar cada frase: Observação: Até a letra C são frases do texto, procure pelo texto a frase para completá-la.
A. Instead of improving society, television has had the __________ effect.
B. Commercial TV programming aims at entertaining people________ educating them.
rather than
so that
C)Things ___________ a lot since October. (Present perfec). Marque a resposta correta para completar a frase. Observação: Lembre-se no present perfect usa-se verbo (have, has) + particípio passado.
a) changed has
b) are changing
c) has changed
d) change
e) have changed
6)Selecione qual é a tradução correta das frases. (Present perfect)
A1. Onde você esteve esse tempo todo?
Where you have been all this time?
Where have you been all this time?
B. Quanto tempo você estuda inglês?
How long have you studied English?
How long have you study English?
C. Não vejo James desde o ano passado.
I don't see James since the last year.
I haven't seen James since the last year.
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1 - Television = Televisão
2 - Negative = Negativo.
3 - Educational = Educacional.
4 - Mission = Missão.
5 - Social = Social.
6 - Interaction = Interação
7 - Perfect = Perfeito.
8 - Programming = Programando.
9 - Nature = Natural.
10 - Event = Evento.
11 - Sex = Sexo.
12 - Ideas = Ideias
3) 1.
A) Opposite.
B) Educating them.
C) Are.
5) C.
A1) Where have you been all this time?
B) How long have you study English?
C) I haven`t seen James since the last year.
Demorou um tempão, mas espero ter ajudado!
Bons estudos, e fique em casa. :)
obrigadaa ajudou muito
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