Inglês, perguntado por conceicaokatiane86, 5 meses atrás

"Hello, everyone. My
is Elihu lan Stevens, I'm from Maine, but now i'm living in Clearwater,
Florida. I am thirty-five
old and I work at a big companie, Mark&Claire Machine. 1_not
married yet, but I'm looking for a beautiful girl from Brasil to get married. My parentes, Lisa and John still
live in Maine. They are living with my sister and my nephew, Willian. My nephew is very smart !He is in the
medicine college, but on the weekends, we go to incredible adventure sports."
1) Qual a sequência correta que você completou acima?
a) Name-juice - years old-father
b) Juice - years old-name-mother
c) Name - years -am-play
d) Years old -guitar-name-juice​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Raydaa


Alternativa c) name, years, am, play.

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