Inglês, perguntado por Usuário anônimo, 6 meses atrás

Helen está viajando pela Europa. Complete as sentenças com "she was", "she is"
ou "she will be". Observe o exemplo:
exemplo: a) Yesterday SHE WAS in Paris
b) Tomorrow _____ in Amsterdam.
c) Last week _____ in Barcelona.
d) Next week _____ in London.
e) At the moment _____ in Munich.
f) At the end of her trip _____ Very tired.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por yotoohi

b) Tomorrow she will be in Amsterdam.

c) Last week she was in Barcelona.

d) Next week she will be in London.

e) At the moment she is in Munich.

f) At the end of her trip she was very tired.​

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