Inglês, perguntado por lhspvini2005, 9 meses atrás

Heeellllllp, preciso agora


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por lucaszcoelho2

7) a) three and twenty-five

b) half past seven

c) a quarter past eight

d) 405? ... if 4:05 five past four

e) ten to midday or midnight

8) a) Ann doesn't kiss her mother.

b) He hasn't an old car.

c) Julie doesn't go to work by car.

d) My dog doesn't eat fruit.

e) She doesn't watch TV every night.

9) A. do

B. don't | do

A. do

B. do

10) a) A newspaper is cheaper than a magazine.

b) Skiing is more difficult than swimming.

c) A shark is more dangerous than a dolphin.

d) São Paulo is more polluted than Belo Horizonte.

e) A bed is more comfortable than the floor.

11) a) the cutest

b) the most intelligent

c) the tallest

d) the most polluted

e) the biggest

Hope you enjoy my answers thanks ;)

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