Inglês, perguntado por Gualqueru4, 5 meses atrás

Gual a resposta da 2 e da 3 alguém pode me ajudar?


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por eloloa
2- A) I am not a teacher.
B) She is not my mother.
C) The boys are not playful.
D) The girl is not in the room.
E) We are not at home.
F) My dad is not smart.
G) My mother is not a housewife.
H) She is not my sister.
I) The teacher is not angry.
J) The dog is not in the kennel.

3- A) N: I am not a student.
I: Am I a student?

B) N: You are not my teacher.
I: Are you my teacher?

C) N: He is not a boy.
I: Is he a boy?

D) N: She is not a girl.
I: Is she a girl?

E) N: It is not my house.
I: Is it my house?

F) N: We are not friends.
I: Are we friends?
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