Inglês, perguntado por Souz2020l, 10 meses atrás

Going To
O going to é uma expressão utilizada no inglês para falar de planos e intenções futuras.
Ele é usado quando a pessoa já decidiu o que vai fazer. Ou seja, quando uma ação já está planejada e irá acontecer num futuro próximo.

Regras de formação do going to:
Afirmativa (Affirmative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”.
Exemplo: I am going to work. (Eu irei trabalhar)
Negativa (Negative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + not + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”.
Exemplo: I am not going to work. (Eu não irei trabalhar)
Interrogativa (Interrrogative Form): verbo to be + sujeito + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”
Exemplo: Am I going to work? (Eu irei trabalhar?)

I am going to
I am not going to
Am I going to?
You are going to
You are not going to
Are you going to?
He is going to
He is not going to
Is he going to?
She is going to
She is not going to
Is she going to?
It is going to
It is not going to
Is it going to?
We are going to
We are not going to
Are we going to?
You are going to
You are not going to
Are you going to?
They are going to
They are not going to
Are they going to?

1- Marque a alternativa correta: 
He will talk to his brother after school.
a) He going to talk to his brother after school.
b) He's going talk to his brother after school.
c) He's going to talk to his brother after school.
d) He is going talk to his brother after school.
e) He going to talk his brother after school.
2- Complete a frase utilizando o  “going to”.
a) My father ________________________ (buy) a car.
b) Our classmates _____________________(enjoy) their afternoon watching movies.
c) I'm so sad! My best friend May___________________ (move) to another city.
d) My neighbours_____________________ (build) a new garage.
e) My friends and I _____________________(learn) Italian.
3- Coloque as frases do exercicio 2 na forma negativa.
4- Coloque as frases do exercicio 3 na forma interrogativa.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por elphysx


1) Alternativa C)

  • He's going to talk to his brother after school.

O HE'S é o mesmo que HE IS.

O Going To está correto na frase, portanto essa é a alternativa certa.

Só lembrar da fórmula de frases afirmativas:

sujeito + verbo to be + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem "to".

como você mesmo tinha posto ali em cima.


  • My father is going to buy a new car.
  • Our classmates are going to enjoy their afternoon watching movies.
  • I'm so sad! My best friend May is going to move to another city.
  • My neighbours are going to build a new garage.
  • My friends and I are going to learn italian.

Agora só usar a regrinha que está escrita na sua pergunta e por elas em negativas e também em interrogativas.

Negativa (Negative Form): sujeito + verbo to be + not + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”.

Exemplo: I am not going to work. (Eu não irei trabalhar)

Interrogativa (Interrrogative Form): verbo to be + sujeito + going to + infinitivo do verbo principal sem “to”

Exemplo: Am I going to work? (Eu irei trabalhar?)

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