Go back to the text and fins the requested information. a- what does Michel like about his neighborhood
Soluções para a tarefa
a. What does Michel like about his neighborhood?
We don't need to go into another neighborhood to buy a product.
Nós não precisamos ir a outro bairro para comprar um produto.
The locals are friendly.
Os moradores são amistosos/amigos/legais
Rocinha is a very good ''favela'' to live in. We don't need to go into another neighborhood to buy a product . There are five public schools , community and private nurseries . There are thousands of shops selling fresh fruit and vegetables .In addition , there are two large supermarkets and an appliance and electronics store. There is shopping in rocinha. Residents use the malls in the neighborhoods around the ''favela'' , but feel discriminated against by their lack of material wealth.
The locals are friendly and there is much prejudice among Rocinha residents . The problem is the discrimination slumdwellers suffer from middle-class neighborhoods looking down on us . Formerly there was a prejudice towards Young people; all Young children were thought to be drug dealers. The reality has changed a lot. Young people are more interested in leisure activities and learning.