Inglês, perguntado por JuuhTanaka, 8 meses atrás

gnt tem a E tbm:

E)Sarah Menezes is talented brazilian judoka . Judo is what matters to ☆

Ajudem pff​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por vihttt


a) her

b) it

c) them

d) him

e) her

rafaellpaias: Tenha em mente que vc salvou uma vida
Respondido por sbarata28


replace the icons ☆ with the correct OBJECT PRONOUNS as in the following example. Write the answers in your notebook.

Example: her

A) Marta is a famous Brazilian soccer player. People call (HER) "Pelé with skirts".

B) Football is the most popular sport in the world. Billion of people play (the) worldwide.

C) Daniel Dias and César Cielo are Brazilian swimmers. Their determination makes (them) successful athletes.

D) Alan Oliveira is a talented Paralympic sprinter from Brazil. Competing in the Olympics is veryimportant to (his).

E) Sarah Menezes is talented brazilian judoka . Judo is what matters to (her)

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