Inglês, perguntado por lihdeolyveira, 3 meses atrás


Maybe you have friends or family who live far away from you.
Why not write a letter, an email or text them to keep in touch?
Even if they live close by, a written message is something special that shows you're thinking about them, and that they are important to you.

a) What do you do when you are missing
someone who lives far away?

b) Do you think a letter is different from an online message in this case? Why (not)?


Look at the picture and answer the following questions before listening to the text.

a) What is the person doing in the picture?

b) Take a look at the pictures in the Listening section. Who is the person in them?

c) What is the name of the city where she is on a student exchange program?


Listen to Patricia's voice message to her family and number the pictures in the correct order.​

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sil315



Talvez você tenha amigos ou familiares que moram longe de você.

Por que não escrever uma carta, um e-mail ou uma mensagem de texto para manter contato?

Mesmo que morem perto, uma mensagem escrita é algo

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