Inglês, perguntado por yasminoliveira1234, 7 meses atrás

George Floyd: why the sight of these brave,exausted peotwsters gives me hope
In a way, you could saúde we've been holding our breath this whole time, until now .
What you're witnessing is Black America exhaling and breathing fire all over the country. We calculate, in horror, the awful symmetry of the killings of Eric Garner in 2014 in Staten Island and George Floyd in Minneapolis in 2020. They couldn't breathe Because América is a choking hazard. I don't think I exaggerate.
Ler, compreender,analisar, e interpretar.
Opinião do leitor, classificados, primeira página, nota de correção, piadas,adivinhas e diálogos inferindo seus traços característicos, bem como suas finalidades e uso sociais.
Relacionar definições as palavras ligadas ao tema ( jornal e jargão jornalístico).

At the time of writing, there are more than 100,000 people dead from COVID-19 in the US. Black and Brown Americans are disproportionately Sickened and have died from a novel coronavirus that exploits America's breathtaking racial inequalities in health, housing and employment.
Protesters shouldn't be gathering in groups as they risk infection and spreading the vírus further. But protesters are assembling,at great personal risk to themselves and their loved ones,because George Floyd couldn't breathe. They inhale, exhale and raise hell in memory of him.
In cities across America and Europe you see how George Floyd is spontaneously put in conversation with other Black victims of state violence. With Atatiana Jefferson in Texas,Breonna Taylor in Kentucky ,Ahmaud Arbery in Georgia, Adama Traoré in France, Sarah Reed in England and Oury Jalloh​ in Germano. ​These souls have died at the hands of the police ( Jefferson and Jalloh) or have been shot to death by private citizens who where, until very recently,confident they would not have to answer for their crime ( Arbery).
This is a gathering of the ghosts of our past,present and future.
They assemble to watch us and wonder when and how this will end. We scream,we shout and march because we are haunted by the terrifying knowledge that these violent deaths at the hands of the state - or those who know they have the full support of the state - could happen to any of us. They couldn't breathe because existing while Black is a threat to the everyday order of things- to the mundane organisation of American Society that demands Black people's subjugation.
a) What is the textual genre?
b) What is the purpose of this information?
c) The structure and type of content us expected of this genre?
d) What is the type of inequality?
e) This belongs to which society?
f) Why people are haunted by what happened?

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por ernandes141218






buffet chumbinho j kg nunca vin chic hu hu vi chuchu Hugo chuchu uhhhccc Hyde uuhg yu u chic uuhg

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