Inglês, perguntado por vieira101, 7 meses atrás

George Eastman was born in 1854 in Waterville, New York. When Eastman was 23, a colleague suggested that he take a camera on an upcoming vacation. Eastman bought a photographic outfit, and although he never made the journey, he became fully engrossed in photography. However, the weight, awkwardness, and cost of the equipment required to take and develop photographs soon led Eastman to seek improvements. He spent three years in his mother’s kitchen experimenting with gelatin emulsions, and by 1880, he had not only invented a dry plate formula, but had patented a machine for preparing large numbers of the plates. He quickly recognized the possibilities of making dry plates for sale to other photographers.
In 1881, with the financial backing of Rochester businessman Henry Strong, Eastman formed the Eastman Dry Plate Company with a series of innovations, the company created easy-to-use cameras that made photography widely accessible, established the practice of professional photofinishing, and developed a flexible film that was a critical contribution to the launch of the motion picture industry.
His first camera, the Kodak, was sold in 1888 and consisted of a box camera with 100 exposures. Later, in 1900, he offered the first Brownie camera, which was intended for children. The Brownie helped to put photography into the hands of amateurs and allowed the middle class to take their own "snapshots" as well. The Brownie’s slogan was “You press the button, we do the rest” and it inspired faster and smaller cameras, and then the digital cameras. By 1927, Eastman Kodak was the largest U.S. company in the industry.
The name “Kodak”, he explained: "I devised the name myself. The letter 'K' had been a favorite with me -- it seems a strong, incisive sort of letter. It became a question of trying out a great number of combinations of letters that made words starting and ending with 'K.' The word 'Kodak' is the result." Eastman also selected Kodak's distinctive yellow trade dress, which is widely known throughout the world.

De acordo com o texto análise as frases abaixo e marque apenas a afirmativas incorretas.
(a)George Eastman inovou na fotografia tornando-a mais acessível.

(b)Eastman demorou cinco anos para inventar o método “Dry Plate photographic”.
(c)Quando tinha 23 anos Eastman fez uma viagem que o levou a revolucionar a história da fotografia.
(d)The Kodak foi a primeira câmera de Eastman.
(e)The Brownie foi uma câmera criada para crianças, mas que popularizou a fotografia.
(d)George Eastman inventou a câmera fotográfica.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por joelsantostj


acho que a d,e espero que eu tenha ajidado

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