Gente socorro
Preciso urgente disso

Soluções para a tarefa
2- My friends were at school.
3- The movie was great!
4- Jack and Sophie were our neighboors last year.
5- Two months ago, I was in Spain.
6- The party was on Monday afternoon.
7- My sister was 18 in 2014.
8- There were a great game at the stadium last night.
9- In my old neighborhood, there was a mall around the corner.
10- This mornig all the trains were late.
questão 2:
2- Jessica wasn't in our class.
3- The apartament wasn't nice.
4- The chairs in the dining room weren't new.
5- My boss wasn't at the party.
6- Yesterday wasn't Tuesday.
7- The kitchen wasn't small.
8- There aren't two bedrooms upstairs.
Na questão 1, usamos was quando é no singular ( seja um objeto, pessoa ou animal) e were quando é plural, e na questão 2, acrescentamos " n't " ao was e o were quando a frase é na negativa.
Espero que tenha entendido e que eu tenha ajudado! Boa sorte!