Gente por favor alguem me ajudaaa!
01. Marque a opção que completa a frase
“Mary jumped _______ the swimming
A) in
B) into
C) at
D) on
E) N.D.A
02. “Mandy is _____ the garden”
A) in
B) into
C) at
D) on
E) N.D.A
03. “They destroy the rainforests.” Marque
a opção que possui a voz passiva correta
dessa frase.
A) the rainforests will be destroyed.
B) the rainforests can be destroyed.
C) the rainforests are destroyed.
D)the rainforests are beautiful.
E) Save the Amazon.
04. “I don't like things ______ that.”
A) as
B) like
C) however
D) yet
05. “I want to speak to you ______ a friend
not as your boss.”
A) as
B) like
C) however
D) yet
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1) letra a)
2) Letra e)
3) Letra a)
4) letra b)
5) letra a)
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