Inglês, perguntado por kn3344, 7 meses atrás

gente pfvrr me ajudaaa​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por MrDavid22


  1. ran
  2. escaped
  3. was feeding
  4. was leaving
  5. saw
  6. was eating


A: when

B: while / when

A: What happened then?

B: when / while / when

kn3344: aaah mtt obgg❤
MrDavid22: dnd!
Respondido por kyartics



01. Complete as frases com a forma correta dos verbos.

B/2) I was having lunch when the elephant escaping.

C/3) The elephant walked out of the gate while the zookeeper feeding it.

D/4) A police officer saw the elephant while it leaving the zoo.

E/5) The elephant was walking down the street when it seeing a banana.

F/6) The police officer caught the elephant while it eating the banana.

02. Leia e escreva “when” ou “while”.

A: what were you doing when you heard about the fire?

B: My phone rang when I was doing myomework. My friend was telling me about it while I smelt smoke.

A: What happened then?

B: I was looking out the window when I saw a fire engine. The the police arrived while the firefighters were putting out the fire. One of the firefighters was running towards the house when the roof fell in. Luckily no one was hurt.

kn3344: bgddd, tem como responder a minha outra pergunta?
kyartics: sim, claro!
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