Inglês, perguntado por leide749, 8 meses atrás


2. The adjectives in bold were used in Tabata Amaral de Pontes' profile. Read the sentences and match them to their corresponding definitions. You can use a dictionary to find the meanings. Write the answers in your notebook.

a. "I started my studies in public schools but received a (l) FULL scholarship [...] after performing well in Math Olympiads."

b. "All the (II) INCREDIBLE opportunities [...] developed in me a (III) HUGE passion for education.

c. "There are many (IV) TALENTED students in Brazil that just need to receive half of the opportunities I had received."

•extremely large in number, amount, or degree

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por sabrinagarciakrausti

Resposta:2. Os adjetivos em negrito foram utilizados no perfil de Tabata Amaral de Pontes. Leia as frases e combine-as com as definições correspondentes. Você pode usar um dicionário para encontrar os significados. Escreva o


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