Inglês, perguntado por luisbeckinho8, 7 meses atrás

"tem que passar para a forma interrogativa em seguida traduzir as que estão pedindo para ser traduzidas"

7. Passe as frase para a forma interrogative: (1,0)
a- She had left home.
b- I had seldom seen Brazilians Indians before.
c- You had ever been a journalist before.
d- You have ever read Hamlet.
e- He has just lost her last chance.

8. Traduza para o português. (1,0)
a) Jane lived abroad in 1998.
b) The sun rises in the morning.
c) She visited me in Summer.
d) I will stop running in 5 minutes.
e) Jane’s birthday in on the 6th of April.
f) Jack went to the cinema on Monday.
g) They visited me on Christmas day.
h) He arrived at noon.
i) She is going to travel at Easter.
j) He works from 7 to 12 o’clock.
k) Diane is wearing a petticoat under her skirt.
l) Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America in 1492.
m) Jim’s alarm clock is beside his bed.
n) The garden is in front of the house.
o) The little girl is standing between her mother and father.


“I was filming (Inspector Gaget) and all of a sudden there is a mouse by my foot. I don’t enjoy mice very much. I am trying to talk, but I was nervous that the mouse was going to run up my leg. It was frightening but funny.”

3. Translation the text: (2,0)

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por marcobreta


7. Passe as frase para a forma interrogative: (1,0)

a- She had left home. =

Had she left home?

b- I had seldom seen Brazilians Indians before.

Had I seldom seen Brazilians Indians before?

c- You had ever been a journalist before.

Had You ever been a journalist before?

d- You have ever read Hamlet.

Have You ever read Hamlet?

e- He has just lost his last chance.

has He just lost his last chance?

a) Jane lived abroad in 1998.

_jane morou fora em 1998_

b) The sun rises in the morning.

__O sol nasce de manhã

c) She visited me in Summer.

__ela me visitou no verão

d) I will stop running in 5 minutes.

__eu vou para de correr em 5 minutos

e) Jane’s birthday in on the 6th of April.

_o aniversário de jane é 6 de abril

f) Jack went to the cinema on Monday.

__jack foi ao cinema na segunda

g) They visited me on Christmas day.

__eles me visitaram no dia do natal

h) He arrived at noon.

_ele chegou ao meio dia

i) She is going to travel at Easter.

ela vai viajar na páscoa

j) He works from 7 to 12 o’clock.

ele trabalha das 7 as 12

k) Diane is wearing a petticoat under her skirt.

_Diane está usando uma anágua sob a saia.

l) Columbus made his first voyage from Europe to America in 1492.

Colombo fez sua primeira viagem da Europa para a América em 1492.

m) Jim’s alarm clock is beside his bed.

__O despertador de Jim está ao lado de sua cama.

n) The garden is in front of the house.

O jardim fica na frente da casa.

o) The little girl is standing between her mother and father.

A garotinha está em pé entre sua mãe e o pai.


“I was filming (Inspector Gaget) and all of a sudden there is a mouse by my foot. I don’t enjoy mice very much. I am trying to talk, but I was nervous that the mouse was going to run up my leg. It was frightening but funny.”

 3. Translation the text: (2,0)

“Eu estava filmando (Inspetor buginganga) e de repente havia um rato ao meu pé. Eu não gosto muito de ratos. Estou tentando falar, mas estava com medo de que o rato subisse pela minha perna. Foi assustador, mas engraçado. ”




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