Inglês, perguntado por Esmalteehge, 8 meses atrás

Gente me ajudem pfffff
Choose And circle the correct pronoun
I/we am from england
It/you are a student
She/you are happy
I/it is My dog
We/she are friends
I/you are at school
He/they is ten
She/we is portuguese
We/i qm happy
He/they are ot homo

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR


⇒⇒ Verb to be

Choose and circle the correct pronoun

I am from England

You are a student

You are happy

It is my dog

We  are friends

you are at school

He is ten

She is Portuguese

I am happy

They are at home


Verb to be - simple present (ser - estar)


I am

you are

he is

she is

it is.

we are

we are

they are

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mariaclara28070: tendi nada ;^
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