Inglês, perguntado por qnhbgvftvygbuhniJ, 2 meses atrás

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2) Circule o único enunciado em que a sentença proferida encontra-se gramaticalmente correta. (2,0)

a) He must to work hard.
b) It mays rain today.
c) They should travel around the world.
d) We must might to study English everyday.

Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por CremildaBR

⇒⇒  Choose the correct sentence

a) He must to work hard.  ❌  

b) It mays rain today.  ❌  

c) They should travel around the world.  ✅  

d) We must might to study English everyday.  ❌  

Alternativa correta letra ''c''


Frases corretas

a. He must  WORK  hard.

b. It MAY rain today.

d. We MUST study English everyday.

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