GENTE EU PRECISO DE AJUDA me ajudem a fazer uma propaganda sobre feijoada, pode ser uma frase um refrão de música só preciso divulgar a feijoada para um trabalho de inglês.
Soluções para a tarefa
Have you thought about what you're going to eat for dinner tonight?
How about eating something delicious and nutritious?
enjoy our promotion of Feijoada Carioca!
we present the typical typical favorite of the vast majority of Brazilians: Feijoada.
The feijoada is made with black beans, pork cuts, bacon, beef, carrots, chayote, pumpkin, goat guts, potatoes, onion, garlic, cilantro, kale and okra
We recommend eating the feijoada with a delicious and refreshing orange or lemon juice, so that your body absorbs all the nutrients of this tasty dish.
This Brazilian delight was invented by slaves during the period when Brazil was a colony of Portugal and remained our taste until the present day.
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