Inglês, perguntado por TiaCuki, 9 meses atrás

Gente estou fazendo um trabalho de inglês e tem a seguinte coisa que eu preciso:

Fill in the verbs in the correct form:
Yesterday I...(decide) to go the department store. I...(want) to buy a new sweater.
I also...(invite) Liz, my friend with me. When we...(arrive) there, we...(see) a lot of people. We...(find) the counter with sweaters and...(begin) to choose them. They...(be) of different colours and sizes. I...(ask) to show me a blue sweater which...(be) my sizes. I...(decide) to try it on and...(go) to the fitting - room. It...(be) wonderful It...(fit) me perfectly Liz...(advise) me to buy it, because it...(be) nice and not very expensive. I...(ask) where the cash desk...(be). I...(pay) money, ...(take) my sweater and we...(go) home. The day...(be) lucky!


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por Usuário anônimo

Yesterday I DECIDED to go the department store. I WANTED to buy a new sweater.

I also INVITED Liz, my friend with me. When we ARRIVED there, we SAW a lot of people. We FOUND the counter with sweaters and BEGAN to choose them. They WERE of different colours and sizes. I ASKED to show me a blue sweater which WAS my sizes. I DECIDED to try it on and WENT to the fitting - room. It WAS wonderful It FIT me perfectly Liz ADVISED me to buy it, because it WAS nice and not very expensive. I ASKED where the cash desk WAS. I PAID money, TOOK my sweater and we WENT home. The day WAS lucky!

O verbo to fit pode ser FIT ou FITTED no passado.

TiaCuki: mto obggggg, Deus te pague!
Usuário anônimo: De nada.
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