Gente é só falar os números que as frases estão incorretas , só a número 28 que não conta! Por favor alguém me ajuda é pra prova de agora , vai até 10:20
1- The policeman are stopping all the cars. 2- The man is entering the house now. 3- They are reading their books now. 4-The film is beginning now. 5- He are coming next week. 6- We were preparing our breakfast. 7- She were eating hot dog. 8-They were standing on their heads. 9- They was swimming the day before yesterday. 10- We were working last night. 11- I never works on Saturdays. 12- She were always late. 13- He is not here. 14- I'm very fast to do this. 15- He never turn on the computer. 16- She don't know how to get there. 17- Sophia love chocolate. 18- Bob lives in downtown. 19- Austin is in Brazil. 20- Carol will studies in a good school. 21- I don't know English. 22- Maria is going to love this song. 23- I haved a boyfriend. 24- My mom fries potatoes every day. 25- My wife and I will worked a lot last year. 26- They lived abroad for ten months. 27- After he taked a shower he goes to the movies. 28- Whe she arrive home she immediately turns on the TV. 29- Another reason is money. 30- Kathy didn't studied for the test. *
Soluções para a tarefa
Respondido por
1. incorreta
2. correta
3. correta
5. incorreta
6. correta
7. incorreta
8. correta
9. incorreta
10. correta
11. incorreta
12. incorreta
13. correta
14. incorreta
15. incorreta
16. incorreta
17. incorreta
18. correta
19. correta
20. incorreta
21. correta
22. correta
23. incorreta
24. correta
25. incorreta
26. correta
27. incorreta
28. incorreta
29. correta
30. incorreta
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