Inglês, perguntado por joserestaura902, 8 meses atrás

gente ajuda aí por favor​


Soluções para a tarefa

Respondido por rosyjoao

1. My house is bigger than yours.

2. This flower is prettier than that one.

3. Non-smokers usually live longer than smokers.

4. Who is the richer woman on earth?

5. He was the most clever thief of all.

6. New York is bigger than Paris.

7. English milk is stronger than French milk.

8. An elephant is heavier than a fly.

9. A Mini is cheapier than a Jaguar.

10. Rugby is funnier than football.

11. Mary is the prettiest of all.

espero ter ajudado!!

se tiver dúvidas ou achar algo estranho, mande uma resposta!

joserestaura902: muito obrigada
rosyjoao: de nada!!
Respondido por batatadesu


1) bigger

2) prettier

3) longer

4) richer

5) more clever

6) bigger than

7) stronger

8) more heavy than

9) more cheap than

10) funniest

11) prettier

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